It's Time!
Well... here we are, one year!
Goodbye 2010... you have been kinder and gentler than the prior years and for that I am thankful.
I could do a long review, highlighting different events or posts from the last year...
BUT~ I would really like to keep it SIMPLE.
Happy New Year to each of you.
Thanks for the uplifting, encouragement, soul connections.
I wish you a Happy New Year, celebrate safe tonight and more imortantly I wish you the grace to zero in on the significance of celebrating New Years Eve...
To fondly and thankfully review the gifts of the last twelve months...
To set your compass on the open road of the next twelve...
and hopefully to kiss someone you love in some really cute shoes at Midnight...I will probably be in footie socks by then but I will wear my shoes to dinner...
Au revior 2010!