Monday, April 26, 2010


There are two kinds of people...those who say to God "thy will be done"...

And those to whom He says "Ok- have it your way...." ~CS Lewis.

I challenge you and me to ask for His will to be expressed through you and to you... and to let go of our limited outcomes... What is it you are praying about?

I have to keep remembering that He has my "best" in clearer view than I do... and He can be trusted.

Here's to our tears in a bottle and our hearts being heard~ and trusting that All really is Well.


  1. All really is well -- more than we usually realize. Oh if we, in our human-ness could only get even just a glimpse of what HE sees as we wait... we'd be so relaxed and relieved, we'd probably go have a coffee and put our feet up. ;)

    I have plans to make a sign that says something like: "Go. Get outta here and get a cup of coffee. I got this, okay?" == GOD

    Love you, girl!



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