I got invited to a Nerd Party. How appropriate ...I did not need to think of what to wear I was ready in flash. My sweet Sophie had to work a little harder at it than me...she was still the coolest nerd there.
I encountered these two lovelies ( lifelong friends) at the Barn recently and they were so charming and so lovely we hit it off like buttah! They instantly knew a fellow Nerd upon meeting and asked me to join in the festivities , as it turns out...we attend the same Church and share lots of interests- first and foremost- Love of our families, laughing anything chippy or old..sparkly...and just being Nerds.
Not to mention...the bodacious one in the pink has a son who was in "New Moon." *GASP* Sophie almost fainted.
In all seriousness, I so appreciate natural connections, authentic women able to laugh at themselves and with others what a JOY!
A special shout out to our gracious hosts and especially hubby of the year for being a good sport, and rocking his Bronco fan gear with such panache.
This is Fanny. a.k.a. Melissa. She is a crack in the head. I love her joie de vivre...she really has lost a lot of weight and looks hot! It must be rewarding to get to play by stuffing it all in for a night and laughing at herself. She was "looking for love"... she had her wet and wild red lip gloss and a box of valentines all saying 'call me'.
Another lovely vision of Fanny playing Just Dance.
I got in on the festivities and whooped my hubbys behind to the song "you got to move it move it"...I have no pics because I was too busy frolicking, good thing- I don't think it was pretty.
Alas, Chloe was monitering the activities I am sure she is a little traumatized today, she may need your prayers.
Coming soon... we had such a riot-we are getting together tonight for round two...Girls Night at the Rockyard Brewery, Nice little church ladies getting together. To be followed by lunch tomorrow with my bestie since 3rd grade and my mom...(I sorta love when Curt travels)- and I am rich in relationship this week... stay tuned for Silver and Gold part two...
Now go have fun today, and keep your eyes open for meaningful connections.!
Happy day.